22 October, 2015


So..haven’t heard from me lately, ‘cause we’re ashore doing dirtchores and Docs appointments.  And yes, that IS snow outside the Admiral’s window.  We’ll be back to The Girl shortly to beat our feets South.  The rest of the Krogen flotilla was at Bald Head Island, NC last night.  I guess they had a big blowout at our friend, Betty’s house there.  She supplied the meat, emptying the freezer in preparation for her winter cruise.  The 35 attending Krogenistas brought the sides and booze, and a good time was had by all.  I’m guessin’ there were no departures today due to an epidemic of “Brown Bottle Flu”, but you can never tell, as these people are professionals.  I think that many of them were inoculated at the Rendezvous the week before.

Talk to you soon,

…………Freezin’ in Michigan

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